lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

Holidays! I really love them. I’ve been the whole day in Barcelona with two friends. I hadn’t seen them for a long time and seeing them another time has been so nice. I really love this type of friendship, it is awesome having friends like them because every time we meet it’s like we have been meeting every day.

During life we meet a lot of different people, people really different from each other and even from us, then you keep a relationship with the ones that you really want, some of them will disappoint you but a few of them will stay by your side for the whole life. Those are the ones that are important. They will try to give you the best pieces of advice just because they love you, it’s really simple but it’s really complex at the same time.

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

It's All About You..

Three years ago, I was really upset with a song named "All About You" by Classified.

It's not specially the best song I've ever heard but it's really different from the other ones because it’s not the typical one that talks about love or friendship, this one talks about life and future.
It says that the decisions that you make during life are the ones that will make you be as you will be in the future.  
It says too that “life is all about the things you’ll never figure out” (life is just all you’ll never understand) and “it’s all about the people you allow in and the memories that you keep” (it’s all about the people that you let get into your life and the memories from different situations that you’ll keep always in mind).

I think that listening to this song more than one time, makes you get into it and realize that it’s really true what this song says because fancy things, for example, are the less important things in life and what really makes sense is just You, how you act, the decisions you make, how you classify acts as good or bad ones and not for what you see on TV or other people say. So the most important things in life are the memories and as the chorus repeats, It’s all About You.

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

It has been difficult to decide what to write in my blog but finally, i've decided to write about dreams because I think that we don't really give as importance as they have because they are part of our life.

Dreams and Dreaming..

We tell ourselves that reality is better; we convince ourselves that it is much better than what we have ever dreamed.

But the real truth of everything, what determinates us is what we dream during the night. Because then, is when we face our obsessions and fears that concern us in real life.
When we wake up, we want to find ourselves feeling hopeful, against all predictions. And if luck follows us, we realize everything; we face life and all fears and hard situations…
Then is when we start realizing that the real dream is being able to dream with everything.
